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Why choose Kalitumba



Knowledge Professionalism and Passion

Our knowledge comes from a long stay in and a permanent link with Tanzania that we consider our second homeland.


With our long experience in tourism we can offer a professional and focused consultancy, together with a wide choice of accommodation and activities options.

Our love for this wonderful land makes our job to be a passion.

Jean Devos and Roberta Ferrero


Jean spent 25 years in East Africa (Ruanda,Kenya and Tanzania),working in tourism business.

Called “a white skinned black man” by Africans who used to work with him.

About Africa he says "There everything seems impossible rather than difficult, but then, somehow, you find a solution and succeed, this is their strength."

Roberta met Jean in Tanzania where she spent “just” four years, although “just” is quite unfair as regards such unique and deep experience. Her sweeter Africa’s memory: “while walking on the road you usually meet genuine smiles, which express their complete lack of fear and worries. It’s the simple line-drawing of their lives, this is their strengtht”.

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